Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Breath of fresh air

Ahhh I feel like I can breathe a nice big sigh of relief.  You see, somehow my entire family found out about my other blog, you know, the original one.  I mean grandparents, aunts, everyone I grew up with.  Suddenly I felt very restricted about what I could write- no longer just open dialogue about whatever was on my mind.  No no.  It was suddenly just all pleasantries and silly little things, which is not what I wanted a blog for.  I wanted a blog to be able to say things like "I'm frustrated about such and such" or "I am this way or that way".  I didn't want a blog just to keep everyone updated on my life.  I mean, it is great for that, but it's not what I wanted.  So whenever I feel like I can't actually say what I want on THAT blog, then I will write on this one.  And I feel so happy about that!  Welcome to my SECRET blog!  I'm not sure if I will even tell my hubby about it.  I probably will, but I don't know who else I will tell.  If I actually know you in REAL life and I invite you to read this blog, then know that I must REALLY really love you.